Buy AM 2201 Powder Online
Making a AM 2201 Powder purchase online
With present-day innovation, looking for stuff online is getting to be plainly accessible each day. From any side of the world, you can order what you need to purchase, and it will be delivered to you. A large number of online stores offering various items are coming up every day. It is a different situation in regards to AM 2201 Powder, however. Many nations have laws to control its use so you ought to be very cautious when getting it on the web. On the off chance that you are caught in possession of the products or causing any hazard with them, you risk robust punishments and long prison terms.A forensic standard of AM-2201 is available, and the compound has been posted on the Forendex website of potential drugs of abuse
Before purchasing AM 2201 Powder online
AM-2201 is a recreational designer drug that acts as a potent but nonselective full agonist for the cannabinoid receptor. It is part of the AM series of cannabinoids discovered by at Northeastern University.Buy AM 2201 Powder Online
Recreational use of AM-2201 in the United States has led to it being specifically listed in a proposed 2011 amendment to the Controlled Substances Act, aiming to add a number of synthetic drugs into Schedule.Buy AM 2201 Powder Online
AM-2201 is a full agonist for cannabinoid receptors. Affinities are: with a Ki of 1.0 nM at CB1 and 2.6 nM at CB2.The 4-methyl functional analog MAM-2201 probably has similar affinities.[original research?] AM-2201 has an EC50 of 38 nM for human CB1 receptors, and 58 nM for human CB2 receptors. AM-2201 produces bradycardia and hypothermia in rats at doses of 0.3–3 mg/kg, comparable to the potency of JWH-018 in rats, suggesting potent cannabinoid-like activity.AM-2201 metabolism differs only slightly from that of JWH-018. AM-2201 N-dealkylation produces fluoropentane instead of pentane (or plain alkanes in general).A forensic standard of AM-2201 is available, and the compound has been posted on the Forendex website of potential drugs of abuse.Buy AM 2201 Powder Online.A forensic standard of AM-2201 is available, and the compound has been posted on the Forendex website of potential drugs of abuse.
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