Buy Tramadol online/Tramadol (Ultram) 100mg Capsules/Tablets per pill
Tramadol (Ultram)
Drug Uses
Tramadol (Ultram) is prescribed for:
– treatment of the pain syndrome of average severity caused by the inflammatory, vascular or traumatic diseases.
– For pain relief during light surgeries and also painful clinic and laboratory diagnostics.
Way of use and dosage
– Tramadol (Ultram) is available in 50 mg tablets and also tablets of prolonged action of 100, 150, 200, 250 mg
– The schedule of the treatment and dosage regimen is indicated for each patient individually according to the general analyses and also the characteristics of the pain syndrome.
– For pain syndrome of middle severity patients are prescribed 50 mg every 6 hours.
– The tablets of the prolonged action containing 100 mg or 200 mg of the active component should be used once per 12 hours.
– The drug is allowed persons older than 14 years old.
– The maximally allowed daily dose of Tramadol (Ultram) is 400 mg.
– In exceptional cases the oncological patients are allowed using higher daily doses but only under the supervision of the doctor.
– The use of the tablets after meals will help to reduce the stomach upset and unpleasant side reactions of digestion organs.
– It is strictly forbidden to take Tramadol (Ultram) longer than it is indicated by your attending doctor. In case of the prolonged use of the drug the addiction may occur.
– It is contraindicated to use of the drug during pregnancy and in the period of the breast feeding because the active medical components may have bad influence on the development of the fetus/child.
– Children younger than 14 years old are forbidden to use this analgesic because of the high risk of the development of the physical addiction in the child age.
– It is not recommended to take the drug during epilepsy, central nervous system acute disorders, alcohol or narcotic poisoning, during central nervous system oppression, and increase of the intracranial pressure.
– The simultaneous use of Tramadol (Ultram) with other psychoactive medical products may cause the appearance of severe side effects.
If you take any medicines, it is necessary to find out about their medical interaction before the use Tramadol.
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Side effects
Tramadol (Ultram) should be used with special caution because the non-observance of the dosage regimen and prolonged use of the high doses of analgetic may cause the following side effects:
– deferred response
– stimulation of the central nervous system (nervousness, anxiety, tremor, spasms, hallucinations)
– sleep disorder
– depression
– stomach upset (diarrhea, vomiting, stomachache)
– tachycardia
– sharp attacks of hypotension
– hives
If the side effects cause anxiety, it is necessary to see a doctor.
Information provided in this article is meant for the personal familiarization only and does not impel for the action. You have to realize all responsibility while taking strong medical products and use them by doctor’s recommendations only. The designers of this website are not responsible for the provided information and consequences which may happen while taking strong medical products
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